Becoming Emotionally Resilient

Resilience refers to our ability to navigate challenges bounce back, from them swiftly and even grow and develop through these experiences. It is this resilience that empowers us to move forward after a breakup transform job loss into opportunities or overcome stress and traumatic events.

Embrace Flexibility

Often we struggle with adapting to changes. Stubbornness, ego, beliefs, expectations and habitual patterns are some of the factors that make us resistant to change. However when the home you thought would be yours forever gets destroyed in a fire or hurricane your trained job becomes automated unexpectedly or the person you believed was your soulmate gets married to someone what do you do?

It can be deeply. Overwhelming all at once.. It's also important to recognize that life is demanding a "course change" from you. In these situations it's wiser to practice acceptance and acknowledge that circumstances have shifted. You cannot control the world; you can only control yourself. The only way forward now is, by adjusting your mindset modifying your thoughts and embracing dreams through flexibility.

Embrace the discomfort

When we find ourselves in situations it's natural to feel a bit unsure. It's important to accept ourselves and our circumstances as they are. Of giving in to fear, blame or resentment lets stay calm and resist the urge to create drama, around the uncertainty. Take a perspective on the situation. Acknowledge that it's okay to genuinely feel uncomfortable at times. By practicing self acceptance in discomfort we can develop resilience.

Learn from both mistakes and successes

Don't panic! Embracing discomfort during times can actually help us grow and become emotionally resilient. Trial and error is how we learn best. Once we get used to being somewhat uncomfortable we can fully engage with the challenges at hand which often sparks ideas and perspectives. Lets explore these thoughts, emotions and ideas that emerge from embracing discomfort. It might lead us to speak up for ourselves or discover approaches for navigating situations. This can open up opportunities, for growth enhance our coping skills build resilience and even expand our repertoire of abilities that could impress potential employers.

Try experimenting with strategies to see what proves effective, in this scenario.. Don't worry about making mistakes as they can actually help you develop resilience if you're open to learning from them. By viewing uncertainty as a chance for growth you'll find it easier to navigate through it and achieve your desired objectives. Ultimately resilience is, about picking yourself up after a fall.